Simple tips to be considered when you send an artwork for printing.
When you prepare any artwork for printing, there are some marks and settings your designer needs to consider in order to print correctly. On that way, we would like to share with you these important guides and tips.
Tip #1 - Normal Setting for bleeding
ll of these tips before sending your artwork to ourand you will be highly satisfied with the printing results. If you have any comment or questions related to this topic, please feel free to leave any comment below this post. .
The bleed is important when you want to see the background color and images on the edges of the printing.
The normal setting for bleeding is 0.125 inches for each side of the artwork. The designer shall set up this dimension once creates the document on the design program.
Tip #2 - Document Color Mode
If your designer is working with the Adobe ® Creative Cloud® applications (such as for Photoshop or Illustrator), select CMYK mode on the Document Color Mode Tab
Tip #3 - Color Settings
The following instructions are aligned with the most default color settings for digital presses:
Open Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator > Edit > Color Settings
Choose “North America Prepress 2”. This is a good starting point.
Select “Coated GRACoL 2006 (ISO 12647-2:2004)” in the CMYK drop down list.
If not selected, select the check boxes for Profile Mismatches and Missing Profiles to “Ask When Opening” and “Ask When Pasting”.
Click Save
Tip #4 - Save the Document
Save the artwork in PDF High Quality Print and ADOBE ® 7 compatibility honors layers and ensures transparent objects are live and print as intended. Also,
click the box related to the bleed document settings (Mark and Bleeds Tab on your design program), Check the Output tab and choose the All Profiles option for best results.
Design well, Print well
Apply all of these tips before sending your artwork to your printer provider, and you will be highly satisfied with the results. If you have any comment or questions related to this topic, please feel free to leave any comment below this post.