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Once the layout and design of a job are complete, you’ll need to decide how to hand
off your files. It is best to send the file as a PDF. In rare cases, you may need to provide
the source files also. Either way, you’ll want to run though a preflight checklist.
Preflight Checklist - Are you Ready?
Ensure that all graphics and images are in their nal size and correct resolution, 100% at 300 ppi (250 to 350 ppi).
Rotate, scale and edit images and graphics prior to placing them in page layout applications.
Image files are linked properly.
All spot colors should be designated as spot colors and not as CMYK recipes. Spell-check your document.
Remove any trapping (allow the printer to apply trapping).
Check for transparency and notify its use to your print service provider.
Gather all source files: fonts, graphics, images and layout documents, if requested.
Use the “Package” feature in Adobe® Indesign® or the “collect for Output” in QuarkXpress®.
All bleeds should generally be set to 0.25 in (6 mm). Objects to bleed extend fullyinto the bleed area.
Perform a visual preflight using overprint preview, color separations preview and prepare a mock-up to give the printer as a finished sample.

Full Bleeding? What does it mean?
This is an important step when you design and send any artwork to us. Save time and Follow the link to learn how to take care of this issue before printing.